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There are currently such huge numbers of these Chinese headphones in the all inclusive screen style that it will take something special to stand apart from the group. In this survey of the Peacock Audio P1, we may have discovered something that figures out how to do only that. The P1 is a remarkable looking headphone that sits in the lower mid-scope of the headphone showcase however has many, numerous positives that make it a captivating buy for the opportune individual.


The Peacock P1 is a carefully assembled set of all inclusive in-ear screens. The organization resists the pattern from huge numbers of these comparable organizations like Fearless Audio, KZ, CCA, and so forth who go the course of packing in however many drivers as could be allowed. The Peacock rather decides on a solitary 7mm miniaturized scale driver to deliver their fun sound. What maybe stands apart most is the means by which complete and accurately set up together the entire item and bundle is.


The crate for the Peacock P1 headphones is extremely decent. An all around caused cardboard box with a little survey window on the top where you to can get a look at the headphones sneaking inside. They keep it fascinating too when you get inside. The layers and frill appear to be ceaseless. You expel one thing, and it drives you to a statement and another layer or box with much more additional items. It's a cool encounter and bar the google deciphered chines persuasive statements I delighted in opening this one up.

Peacock P1 out of the box

Peacock P1 ready to go

So what do you get in the bundle? Indeed, it turns out a ton. Peacock hasn't avoided a beat, and it is one of the most helpful and lucid bundles I have ever observed. You get tips, links, cases, etc however maybe its best to list everything that comes in the container:

1x Set of Peacock P1 headphones

1x two-stick plaited link

1x two-stick Bluetooth link with inline controls

1x Leather convey case

1x Folding Micro USB-USB

2x Leather link cleans

4x Silicone tips

The bundling contains the run of the mill setting mistakes you generally find when Chinese headphone organizations utilize an interpretation application rather than a genuine individual.

The incorporation of a Bluetooth link is valued. Particularly for the individuals who would prefer not to purchase a reseller's exchange one for an additional expense. In my testing, it sounds great, keeps running for around 10 hours, and charges rapidly. Notwithstanding, one issue is that the two-stick connector on the link is intended for use on a recessed connector. Practically speaking, everything still works fine, however I might want to have seen the fittings on the IEM's to be recessed which gives some additional security from consumption through perspiration and so forth.

The different miss here is the ear tips. The stock eartips are fine, yet it would have been decent to have more alternatives, for example, Comply froth, Spinfit, or Final E arrangement. Individuals are at last beginning to acknowledge what a distinction valuable tips can make, and it would have been decent to have these included out the container.

The wired link is incredible. I'm very certain now, having tried numerous Chifi items, that it is an off the rack choice, yet that doesn't make it any less great. It has a lovely tight twist design and is liquid moving while still impervious to tangles. I would, obviously, favored MMCX associations yet that simply egotistical dependent on the numerous secondary selling links I have in my accumulation.

The separable meshed link with 2 stick connectors.


Peacock Audio P1 with the bluetooth link joined.

Generally, I would begin this area of the audit off with discussing the construct quality. In any case, I think with what good looking like these Rainbow Peacock P1 look; it's not out of the question to begin with the Esthetic side of things.

The P1 is a lovely looking little headphone. Its hydro plunge style wave example set simply under the acrylic layer gets the light perfectly, and they are a lovely thing to take a gander at. Unfortunately this is one of the situations where pictures will never do them equity as they look so great, all things considered.

In the event that the rainbow patter isn't just as you would prefer, at that point you have the alternative of numerous diverse shading and styles (10 at present check I accept).

Photograph of the Peacock Audio P1.

The shell is a little acrylic shaped lodging with great ergonomics that makes the headphones ideal for throughout the day use. One reason for this is not normal for different organizations we referenced over, the P1 are just utilizing a solitary driver. This significantly decreases the size and weight of the IEM's.

The Peacock P1 feels very much made. Notwithstanding, being produced using acrylic, they will never have the quality of a metal lodging, so be mindful so as to abstain from dropping or pounding them.

The parts of the bargains have a metal channel which will help stop the development of ear wax on your headphones instead of an open channel framework with the screen inside. The channels are not client variable, and there is no alternative to modify the sound with them (not unreasonably one would need to).

As referenced over, the main issue I have with the structure is simply particular. I favor the consolidation of a MMCX connector framework instead of the to some degree dated two-stick configuration utilized here.


The Peacock P1 is up there with the absolute most agreeable headphones I have tried. Not exclusively is the lodging little and light, however it has astounding ergonomic molding and smooth edges. Inclusion profundity sits at a medium, and that will function admirably for many individuals to adjust clamor decrease and solace.

Talking about clamor decrease, I discovered during the procedure of this survey the P1 was a strong decision for individuals searching for a lot of commotion detaching headphones. They are better than expected and offer a noteworthy decrease in the measure of encompassing commotion I hear when driving on the bustling Metro System or notwithstanding when out riding my cruiser.


Not exclusively do the Peacock headphone look amazing the back that up with some extraordinary sound. It's a V-molded tuning with a higher accentuation on the low end and marginally set back midrange. They are fun and engaging tune in, and keeping in mind that not ideal for all classifications, they are not exhausting sounding.

Individuals will take a gander at the single driver arrangement and miracle how it can contend with the Multi-BA IEM's that are found at this value point. The key here is the Micro-Driver. A small scale driver can create an extremely interesting and connecting with sound and is utilized on one of my record-breaking most loved IEM's the Yamaha EPH-100.

An image of the Peacock Audio P1 headphones with the links and eartips evacuated.

The bass - The bass has a correct nearness here, and it can convey significant and hard-hitting bass with a considerable measure of sub-bass augmentation. This makes the P1 sound incredible with anything like EDM, Jazz, and so forth which will in general have a low center range. Notwithstanding, the volume of air moved is significantly less than with a major stomach driver. The effect from the P1 can without a doubt be felt, and they are absolutely reasonable in the event that you see yourself as a basshead. (Despite the fact that they are on the lighter side of that classification and offer a mess more to the sound that exclusively bass).

The mids - The midrange is smooth and plainly characterized and gliding in a dark foundation separate from the other recurrence gatherings. It sits marginally once again from the midrange and treble yet not as much as we usually observe on other angular headphones. There is some glow over this range too, which assists with making them a fun and drawing in tune in, yet it's not excessively underlined to the point of sounding fake. Vocals perform well as do most stringed instruments. They sound clear and point by point, yet they are still no fit as a solitary headphone for tuning in to midrange forward music.

The highs - while these are without a doubt angular the top end while noticeable is extremely smooth. High caps and other treble focussed notes are conveyed with a freshness yet remains short of sibilance. You unquestionably here them stand apart from the midrange yet I feel that the lows still come up somewhat more than the top range. What this does, obviously, is make them excellent for electronic music which regularly keeps running from topping high to enormous bass drops.

Soundstage shows better than expected width and profundity. The mix of those reasonable highs, rumbly bass, and dark foundation make for a 3D sounding headphone that turns out to be considerably increasingly vivid the more you hear them out.

Detail recovery is great. Be that as it may, it comes up short on the instinctive characteristics and unbelievable capacity to uncover unpretentious subtleties you jump on the Tin Hifi P1 which comes in at a comparative value point.

By and large, I adored the Peacock P1's sound, and for as long as week, they have been my go-to demonstrate for sessions in the rec center. With some great outdated techno and daze music, these sound mind blowing (Zyzz playlist of the divine beings).


An image of the faceplate plan on these headphones just as the side profile which demonstrates the flawlessly molded ergonomic structure that makes them agreeable to tune in to throughout the day.

The Peacock Audio will be the ideal arrangement of headphones for many individuals. They have a fabulous embellishment set; the alternative to run them as Bluetooth headphones or with a standard link and the sound is engaging and locks in.

No, they aren't an impartial headphone for idealists, yet that is the thing that makes them sound so great. Underlined bass with a profound sub-bass reaction, a pitch-dark foundation and a practically holographic 3D introduction make them stand apart from the group.

For the MSRP which is around $200 there aren't an excessive number of headphones better in this kind of tuning. Approval from me and exceptionally prescribed.


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